Crown Of Thorns (Acanthaster planci) outbreak back in Lalomanu Aleipata on the reefs. This is a photo of a Crown of Thorn that was washed up in the beach with a piece of a branching coral (Staghorn).
Tracy and Derek on the deck of the new LitiaSini Beach Resort Building at LalomanuAleipata (LA). Thanks to Litia, Salu, Pugou and the family for everything that happened on July 4th weekend.
Derek and Sale at Lalomanu Aleipata (LA) in the front of Litia Sini Beach Resort. One of the best photo during the trip to Apia on July 4th weekend 2011. Po 'o a fo'i mea lae kalagoa ai sole!
Tai and Sale having a meeting with the ASTCA Survey Crew on 07/02/2011 Saturday morning. The boys will remember this trip for the rest of their lives. Malo lava legalulue! Aua ge'i galo se TRIPOD a se isi pe'a koe fo'i mai i Amerika Samoa.Lol